Survivor Losing it all to getting out of the rat race Sherry LaMaison

Survivor Losing it all to getting out of the rat race Sherry LaMaison

Survivor Losing it all to getting out of the rat race   Sherry Lamaison – If you are looking for Survivor Losing it all to getting out of the rat race   Sherry Lamaison, then watch this video to learn everything you need to know about Survivor Losing it all to getting out of the rat race   Sherry Lamaison

Sherry LaMaison, a real estate investor, who survived an abusive marriage and got out, giving up all her assets in the process, rebuilt her portfolio of cash flowing properties, and got out of the rat race in just a little over 10 years with a very comfortable cash flow. Though like most investors, she is still looking for deals, doing what she loves.

 Sherry is a mixed martial artist (MMA) and is mother to a son.

She invests mainly in multifamily real estate and has invested in commercial property here in CA and TX, in notes and done flips.

She has had good partners and bad partners (wait til you hear the worst nightmare in partnership and how it resolved) and wants to share how she set those up and what she would do differently. Who can you trust?  What should the agreement be, and did she choose to do an LLC and why?

She has had good property managers and nightmare managers. What does she do differently now that she did not know then to avoid a manager stealing and mismanaging causing even the smartest lady can be tricked?

How does she manage investing out of state?

Do you want to create cash flow for life, so you are not depending on the 9-5 or the government? Then this is your chance to hear from a real investor who has lost it all and rebuilt her investments and now wants to give you the nuts and bolts so you can do it too!

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